So, first thing's first. That giveaway that I've been promising since *cough* the end of August is FINALLY HERE. 
The giveaway is fairly simple. From September 18th to the 25th I will put up a tweet every day with the book that is up for grabs and a request for a random number. At the end of the day, I'll head over to, pluck a number from the randomizer and the one closest to that number will win the book! Most of these are going to be galleys I acquired from ALA 2010, but I have a few purchased and new books that I will be giving out as well. Also, I thought it fair to mention that any books that have already been released, but that I acquired as galleys are not up for the giveaway. :) Please feel free (in fact, be encouraged) to link to this post and spread the word. The giveaway starts Saturday, September the 18th!

Secondly, my schedule is still taking some adjusting to and I've been spending every spare minute at work and at home doing school/home work. It's a little sad. AS SUCH, my blogging schedule may be a little erratic and will eventually switch to Mondays and Wednesdays since I have the most theoretical free time then. I may also post a second time today depending on how the world feels about me and I about it. 

Happy Thursday, everyone! 

  • To win a copy of BEAUTIFUL DARKNESS by Kami Garcia and Magi Stohl reply to @theravendesk with a number between 1 - 100. 
  • To win a copy of SPEAK by Laurie Halse Anderson reply to @theravendesk with a number between 101- 200. 
  • Winners will be drawn after 8PM EST. (The winners are @thmafi and @karlaerikacal) SEPTEMBER 20
  • To win a copy of THE FRENZY by Francesca Lia Block reply to @theravendesk with a number between 1 - 100. 
  • Winners will be drawn after 12AM EST. (The winner is @miahayson)
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