Love you long time

Yeah, I feel like Wilbur. Unfortunately, the deadline I had set for myself passed on Friday. I was supposed to have finished Behzad's childhood by Friday and get started on the grittier work on Monday. Clearly, though, that hasn't happened. It's very frustrating, especially since I already know what's supposed to happen and how I'm going to say it. But when I get in front of my laptop my fingers freeze up and I kind of turn into a vegetable. Charming, right? I'm going to try very, very hard to finish it up tonight. I'll even drink alphabet soup if I reach the end of my rope.

This morning I went out for a jog since the weather was so nice and I figured I needed to start working out ever since I've lost access to a free and convenient gym. I jogged for three minutes before my lungs collapsed and I died a slow, painful death on the sidewalk. I forced myself to alternate between jogging and walking for half an hour before I called it quits and headed back home. I mourn my jog-fail mainly because during the school year I could run on the treadmill for forty minutes straight without losing my breath.

Later, I decided to head into DC (where I go to school) to submit my interschool transfer form. I'm currently majoring in International Affairs in one school (at my university) and want to switch to another school so that I can major in English, fulfill their General Curriculum Requirements and then pursue both majors. In all likelihood, though, for the next year I will be considered an English major only and then in the spring will apply to add International Affairs back to my transcript.

In other news, I've got a new blog up. Well, actually the blog's old - it's been up for a while. But I haven't put it to good use until now. This blog is about my writing adventures and the wordpress blog is about writing properly. Twice a week I'll post an article about writing (there's already one up). And I might cross post it to the TWFT blog. Check out both :)

The Raven Desk @ Wordpress

Teens Writing For Teens
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